CNB 76

With a length of 76 feet (23.17 metres), the CNB 76 is a real luxury yacht but of a reasonable size, easy to handle short-handed. Safe and efficient, thanks to the seaworthiness qualities of her hull and her simple, efficient deck layout. A yacht built for owners, with an independent crew area, luxurious VIP cabins , a huge salon with panoramic view, and the possibility to modulate layouts in consideration of the sailing program and the persons to expected on board. Once you have crossed the boat’s large cockpit, the CNB 76 magic works when you enter the salon: the panoramic view from inside is surprising for a yacht with such fluid, elegant exterior hull and cabintop lines. Thank you, Philippe Briand! The accommodations, by interior designer Jean Marc Piaton are stylish, comfortable and functional. The double aft cabin and the galley will welcome extremely comfortably a professional crew whose presence will not intrude on the owner’s and guests’ privacy.


Arquitecto naval: Philippe Briand Yacht Design / Jean-Marc Piaton
Eslora (m.): 23.17 m - 76’
Manga (m.): 6.10 m - 20’
Desplazamiento (kg.): 45 000 kg - 99,225 Lbs
Carburante (l.): 2 500 l - 661 US Gal
Agua dulce (l.): 1 500 l - 396 US Gal
Potencia motor (cv):
Certificado CE: A


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