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Investing in a yacht means investing in experiences, outings, adventures, unforgettable moments, good times and making memories. What sailing gives us is so valuable that the effort involved in any purchase is completely worth it. You might need some financial assistance for your purchase and therefore it is important you know that Azul Yachts offers you unbeatable financing conditions that can help you with your purchase and make the whole process as straightforward as possible.
Thanks to our agreement with the finance company SGB Finance, a partnership between the Beneteau Group and Société Générale (both leaders in the sailing sector in France), we can manage the financing of your boat under clear optimal conditions in line with your budget. And most importantly, through an expert reputable company that represents, among others, yacht manufacturers such as Beneteau, Excess Catamarans y CNB Superyachts. With various personalised and flexible formulas, you’ll be able to obtain a series of advantages, such as the early repayment of the loan, the option of changing the payment date of the instalments, or reviewing the instalment amount, among others.
Don’t hesitate to request more information, because we will look at your particular case and advise you accordingly, explaining each of our products in detail:
Special credit products
- Leasing náutico, que te permitirá ser el arrendatario y armador de la embarcación cuando esta pase a tu nombre, o bien subrogar el contrato a un tercero. Está opción, que tiene una cuota fija, implica, además, una reducción de IVA.
Company loans offer a financial solution, as a fixed payment loan, aimed at companies.
After looking at a calculation here you can get an idea of the possibilities. Why not give it a try with just one click. You may be nearer to owning the boat of your dreams than you thought.